Celebrating 40+ years of service to the Metro Atlanta Community

  Contact : 404-373-2727 | 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Update to Clients and Families – April 15, 2020

Dear Personal Care Clients and Families:

Thank you for your continued support of the work we do and our mission to deliver the highest quality of care possible to older adults. We are continuing to do the best we can to make sure that you are informed and kept safe. Over the last several weeks efforts have been made to deliver masks to caregivers, cleaning supplies and sanitizer to clients, and gloves when needed. PPE is still in great shortage, and we are encouraging you to be good stewards of resources at this time.

We have had two clients that have tested positive for COVID-19. Both are residents at the same continuing care retirement community. Neither resident is receiving care from Personal Care at this time. Employees who were exposed were all tested and we are very grateful to report that all employees tested negative. Each of these caregivers was wearing their masks while delivering care. Wearing a mask is important and wearing it offers invaluable protection. We are encouraging all Personal Care clients to wear a mask when outside their home. Masks will be made available to you if you do not have one.

We are working in two communities where there is an “active outbreak” being defined as two or more residents testing positive for COVID. Extensive measures are being taken to make sure that staff are not working in multiple buildings. We have special protocols in place to minimize exposure as it relates to buildings with active outbreaks.

You are encouraged to practice safe social distancing, defined as maintaining six-feet of distance between yourself and another person. We cannot control the actions of others, but we can work hard to protect ourselves and those around us. Other tips include:

· Do not congregate with other residents if you live in a facility. Maintain 6-feet of physical space at all times if possible. Wear a mask if you leave your apartment.

· Do not go into communal areas to sit and visit

· Avoid using communal coffee pots, water fountains, etc.

· If someone approaches you, or your client, without maintaining six-feet of distance please create space. Not everyone is able to remember to physically distance themselves.

· If you have visitors please make sure that both the visitor and yourself are wearing a mask and visit outside with at least six feet of distance. We are strongly encouraging visits to take place remotely via WhatsApp, FaceTime, etc.

· Avoid using elevators with more than two people in them

· Wash your hands before and after touching anything in public, or touch with your elbows, using a paper towel or wipe, etc. Use hand sanitizer when soap is not available

· Avoid setting your cell phone down in public places. Disinfect your phone frequently throughout the day, removing the case to do so.

Please continue to practice safe hand washing techniques. Washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your face and eyes, or eating with dirty hands is very important in infection control. If you do not feel well please stay home and avoid contact with others.

Our focus as an organization will remain to ensure the safety of our clients and caregivers. We are thankful for the trust that those we serve place in us, now more than ever in these unprecedented times.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Stay safe!

Danielle Grabol

COO / Owner